Scientific contacts of the projet

Rodolphe Le Targat
LNE Researcher
Project PI
- Affiliation: SYstèmes de Référence Temp-Espace (SYRTE)
- email:
Biography: Rodolphe Le Targat is staff researcher at SYRTE, Observatoire de Paris, since 2011. He is the coordinator of the ROYMAGE project, he notably supervises the design and the construction of the transportable clock. He has a long-standing expertise on cold atom clocks and optical frequency combs.

Guillaume Lion
Researcher in sustainable development
Scientific contact at IPGP
- Affiliation: Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP)
- Email:
Biography: Guillaume Lion is staff researcher in the Geodesy team of the UMR IPGP. He studies the impact of clock measurements in geodesy, particularly regarding the modeling of the gravity field and of the geopotential with a high spatial resolution.

Didier Rouxel
Head of the geophysics department
- Affiliation : Service Hydrographique et Océanographique de la Marine (SHOM)
- Email:
Biography: Didier Rouxel has been an engineer at the Shom (French Navy Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service) since 2000. He is in charge of the marine geophysics department since 2016. He is specialized in particular on applications related to marine gravimetry (acquisition, processing, modeling).

Olivier Jamet
Deputy Head of the Geodesy and Metrology Department
Scientific contact at IGN
- Affiliation: Institut national de l’information géographique et forestière (IGN)
- Email:
Deputy Head of the Geodesy and Metrology Department at the French National Institute for Geographic and Forestry Information (IGN), Olivier Jamet is also the head of the department’s product and development team. After having directed the IGN’s geodesy research laboratory until 2018, then continued his research career within the geodesy team of the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris and provided consulting services in this field to the IGN’s scientific management, he is now in charge of steering the technical evolution of the production and maintenance processes of national geodetic references.

Rodolphe Le Targat
LNE researcher
- Affiliation : SYstèmes de Référence Temp-Espace (SYRTE)
- Email:

Jérôme Lodewyck
CNRS Researcher
- Affiliation : SYstèmes de Référence Temp-Espace (SYRTE)
- Email:

Pacôme Delva
Assistant Professor
- Affiliation : SYstèmes de Référence Temp-Espace (SYRTE)
- Email:

Paul-Eric Pottie
Research Engineer, Deputy coordinator of the REFIMEVE Equipex
- Affiliation : SYstèmes de Référence Temp-Espace (SYRTE)
- Email:

Benjamin Pointard
Optical Frequencies
- Affiliation : SYstèmes de Référence Temp-Espace (SYRTE)
- Email:

Fatima Rahmouni
PhD student
Atomic Physics
- Affiliation : SYstèmes de Référence Temp-Espace (SYRTE)
- Email:

Jesús Romero González
Guest researcher
Atomic Physics
- Affiliation : SYstèmes de Référence Temp-Espace (SYRTE)
- Email:

Alexia Mavrantoni
Etudiante de M1
Physique des Lasers
- Affiliation : SYstèmes de Référence Temp-Espace (SYRTE)
- Etudiante au Master 1 Sciences de l’Univers et Technologies Spatiales

Guillaume Lion
Researcher in sustainable development
Coordinateur de la contribution de l’IPGP
- Affiliation : Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP)
- Email:

Isabelle Panet
Head of the geodesy team at IPGP
- Affiliation : Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP)
- Email:
IGN Team

Olivier Jamet
Directeur scientifique adjoint de l’IGN
- Affiliation : Institut national de l’information géographique et forestière (IGN)
- Email:

Sylvain Lavoué
- Affiliation : Institut national de l’information géographique et forestière (IGN)
- Email:

Marie-Françoise Lalancette
Head of Research and Innovation at SHOM
- Affiliation : Service Hydrographique et Océanographique de la Marine (SHOM)
- Email:

Didier Rouxel
Head of the geophysics department
- Affiliation : Service Hydrographique et Océanographique de la Marine (SHOM)
- Email: